Nostalgic Feast Book Launch

March 2, 2022

Laurel Lather’s book, Nostalgic Feast, launches with great celebration.

The launch was March 1st, and 150 people came to support her and her new cook book. This included many of her loyal patrons who helped create the picture on the front of Nostalgic Feast.

Filled with champagne, laughter and celebration, Torund Bryhn, the book’s lead publisher, gave a moving speech about how the book is a strong reminder of the importance of friendship and “how dishes made from the heart paired with great wine are the glue of lovely memories and building strong communities”.

A highlight from the launch was when Lather’s daughter drove six hours to come see her mother in Sioux Falls. It was a surprise Lather will not forget any time soon as she hugged and cried tears of joy after her daughter revealed herself.

Many books were sold as well as special Nostalgic Feast spoons and tote bags created for the event. The celebration could not be possible without an amazing team backing up Lather’s efforts including her husband Douglas Lather. He helped sell her books at the launch and continues to support her in many ways behind the scenes.

A special thanks should also be given to juliana’s Boutique which helped support and make this event possible.

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