the team behind st. john’s press

The dedicated st. john’s press team utilizes their expertise to empower authors to become successful through book publishing and writing mentorship.

Torund Bryhn

Lisa Duncan

Zachary Houghton

Torund Bryhn

Founder, publisher, and bestselling author of Fame Revolution

Translator (Norwegian & English), ghost writer, acquisition & content editor.

During COVID-19, requests to be a book coach, translate and edit books escalated. This resulted in Torund starting st. john’s press, an independent publishing company with the purpose to help great thoughts and tales come to life. First book was launched December 2020 with K.A. Lillehei, “At Dawn the Simorgh Appears, who was one of the authors Torund had coached.

Torund’s love of books has followed her career where she worked on research, editing, strategic development, and promotions of books, including being part of a national bestseller. She has produced books for corporations to galvanize internal pride and provide insights into a new theory. Still, her greatest passion has been to help writers become first-time authors (Torund Bryhn l LinkedIn).

Lisa Duncan

Voicewriter & Editor

I love to write. I grew up writing poems and stories simply because I liked stringing words together. I was self-taught in the beginning, mainly mimicking my favorite authors. As I grew up, I discovered my own voice.

Every story and voice is unique. When you work with me as your voicewriter, your voice is heard at its highest level. I will amplify your voice; I will not take it over. I will work with you to bring depth and color to your story and message. I will develop it all with you, researching facts, quotes, and theories that lend authority and authenticity to your words.

I now write with leaders who feel compelled to share their stories or messages but have trouble getting them out. Working with experts and finding the right words to create inspiration, clarification, entertainment, or education is my privilege.

People crave authentic storytelling. We are wired to learn through stories. The practice of writing well-crafted stories and messages brings opportunities for thought leaders to be remembered and to build relevance and connection.

Together, we can cut through the noise with your story.

Connect st. john’s press to learn more about our mentors and their mentorship programs.

st. john’s press brings thoughts & tales to life through internet mastermind programs that transform you through personalized learning.