Anticipation… The Sophomore Book

July 27, 2021

Hard work does not always give results.

When I worked in the music industry, the greatest fear for musicians was the challenge of following a successful debut. The sophomore album is the right of passage for any artist. And with it comes the fear of being categorized as a one-hit-wonder.

So many promising careers are frozen in procrastination.

No time for procrastination at st. john’s press, as soon as we were done with Loveleen’s book, we immediately went into production with Lynda Rozell’s book, “Journey with a Tin Can Pilgrim.”

Lynda and I had a vision for the book and had an amazing design team to help realize it with —

    • N.Y. Times Bestselling Editor Richard Willett fine-tuned and strengthened each sentence to create the right expression.
    • Illustrator Hege Terese Fjæra brings forth the whimsical, fun with her illustrations on the book cover and throughout the book.
    • The Design team of Hannah, Kellie, and Mary at INgrid Design provides balance with the right lines, boxes, and colors to help accentuate the illustrations done by Hege.

We were all pleased with the book and were excited to launch it, and yet, the night before got a case of the jitters.

The Launch

When we launched Lynda’s book on Amazon on July 13, “Journeys of the Tin Can Pilgrim,” we had a small group over Zoom to talk about the book.

I cried when Lynda talked about the book in front of potential readers.

I am not the one to cry, but having read every word multiple times and pondered with Lynda for hours on the design to ensure each element supports the message. Tears came because I felt the power of transformation this book can have on the reader, and I am humbled that my little publishing company is the custodian of such great work. I realized it was not me, but the ensemble of great artisans and writers who believe the right word, presented the right way with the right design can change one reader and be the ripple effect of change.

Amazon Release

All my worries for our sophomore book falling short of expectations were in vain.


And we ended up hitting twelve #1 Amazon New Release lists:

Solo Travel
Travel Tips
Business Travel Reference
U.S. State Travel
Christian Professional Growth
Business Travel Reference
Literary and Religious Travel Guides
Christian Professional Growth
Catholicism Self Help
Travel Tips
U.S. Travel
U.S. State Travel

“Sometimes all you can do is
not think,
not wonder,
not obsess.
Just breathe and have faith because miracles do happen.”

Joyful, awed, and excited for the potential of this wonderful book that provides the positive gifts of being a nomad…

Link to book
Link to Kindle

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