Thoughts and tales become tangible concrete publications that have the power to change hearts, minds, and the world.

Fame Revolution: Now Available

Available Now: E-book, hardback, & paperback.

Fame Revolution

-Torund Bryhn

New Era, New Strategy. Expand Your Circle of Influence, Wealth, and Impact.

Let's Get Practical

-Bjørn Arild Thon

Igniting Human Energy to Drive the Circular Economy Transition


Falling Up

-Dana Liesegang-

Nostalgic Feast

-Laurel Lather-

Journeys with a
Tin Can Pilgrim

-Lynda Rozell-
The Parable of the Dog
and the Peacock

-Loveleen Rihel Brenna-
At Dawn the
Simorgh Appears

-K.A. Lillehei-

“I’ll call for pen and ink
and write my mind.”

William Shakespeare

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