Author Loveleen Speaks about Diversity at KPMG Conference, Norway

November 30, 2021

Loveleen gives a lecture to 1,400 employees in KPMG Norway. The theme was “Diversity the gold of the future!”

It is not the number of nationalities, genders, or the disabled that determines whether an organization is diverse. It is the inclusive organizational culture. This includes management that recognizes inequality as a strength and the  security of employees that determines whether diversity is apparent.

Additionally, it is extra difficult to give a lecture when she knows that many more certified leaders sit in the saddle that aim to highlight diversity as the gold of the future. Some of the leaders at the conference include Lars Inge Pettersen, Rune Skjelvan, Kine Kjaernet, Monica Hansen, Cathrine Dalheim, and Henrik Lervold.

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